Contribute to the Community Clay Fund.

The Community Clay Fund is here to assist queer people to attend Queer Clay Nights at SadBoy Ceramics. Queer Clay Nights are offered on a sliding scale pricing model, which is made possible by this fund.

In 2019, the Williams Institute published a study examining how sexual orientation and gender identity affect the likelihood that an individual will experience poverty. They found that LGBTQ+ people collectively have a poverty rate of 21.6%, which is much higher than the rate for cisgender straight people of 15.7%. The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened existing factors contributing to poverty in the LGBTQ+ community.

Finances should not be an obstacle for queer people accessing the arts and queer-affirming spaces. Please consider giving to the fund!

(Disclaimer: as I’m not a 501c3 non-profit, this is not a charitable, tax-deductible donation. This is considered a “gift” to the business, which I set aside to be used as a sort of scholarship fund to cover participants who select a lower ticket price.)

Give to the fund!